Confluences... The Toa River and its Secrets

TOA in its origins means mother, it is the name this region’s native settlers gave to the great river La Plata. Like a mother that gives us life and teaches us to love our surroundings, the La Plata river offers a rich and diverse ecosystem that nurtures our existence. Toa Alta, Toa Baja and Dorado are lands bathed by this beautiful river, therefore, are rich in natural resources deserving of appreciation and preservation.

This exhibit, inspired by the tireless work of the biologist and professor Petra Camacho, offers a new and curious look at nature from the particular perspective of the contemporary artists Omar Obdulio Peña, Veronica Rivera, and Javier Orfon.

These creators merge poetry, drawings, and photography to converge in a sensible proposal that allows us to see our surroundings with new eyes. The spectator and its participation is an important part of the exhibit. 


Marinelly Bello/ Curator

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Photos by Javier Cancel and José R. Pérez Centeno

Confluences… The Toa River and Its Secrets will be open until November 30, 2017.

[S.E.P.] Sala de Exposiciones del Plata, Salvador Cardona. Dorado, Puerto Rico.

Tuesday to Saturday, 8:00am to 4:00pm.