Jane Stern Dorado Community Library

By serving as an advocate for the knowledge of various art forms, arte_FITS.FOUNDATION actively collaborates with the The Jane Stern Dorado Community Library (JSDCL). Together, the Library and the Foundation have provided workshops on photojournalism and exhibitions of ongoing installations by arte_FITS, thus providing the community with the basic tools that aid in the discovery of their creative aspects.

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A workshop about photojournalism that involved the students from the José Santos Alegría High School to learn about the eminent characters and touristic sites of Dorado. On Thursday, august 16, 2012 the first exhibition of Photojournalists was inaugurated with the title, Creative Photojournalists: Characters of Dorado in the Jane Stern Library and the residential neighborhood, El Dorado.

Special thanks to our sponsors:

  • Dorado’s City Hall
  • Jane Stern Library in Dorado
  • Mrs. Mirabel Rodríguez of Dorado’s Tourism Office
  • Ms. Waleska Rivera of Danora, PR
  • Mr. José Hernández Castrodad from Benjamin Moore Paint

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As part of Venezuelan artist, Teresa Mulet’s, en(re) installation for arte_FITS.FOUNDATION, the exhibition held at the Jan Stern covered the topic of recycling and its importance in the natural spaces of our community. The project incorporated a direct participation of high school students from José Santos Alegría and Tasis Dorado. The exhibition held at the Jan Stern covered the topic of recycling and its importance in the natural spaces of our community.

Re indicates repetition and/or withdrawal. In the case of the installation, the term was attributed to emphasize a constant call to action. EN(RE) was made up of three interventions:

  1. The construction of the word en(re) as a tridimensional structure filled with recycled plastic bottles from the Recollection Center of Dorado.
  2. Placing words from the en(re) notebook on the ground and the trees.
  3. Collecting them and annotating the experience in the en(re)

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Tree Boat

Journey, a site-specific sculpture by Korean artist Myeongbeom Kim, is a participatory art project inspired by a voyage of cooperation, wish and meditation. It is comprised of an evolving rock sculpture or tower inside a local fisherman’s boat. Each stone corresponds to a personal wish that upon a boat begins an allegorical journey of contemplation and perhaps realization. The work is based on a popular Korean tradition that pertains to a folk religion influenced by Buddhism.