Cristina Salas

Cristina Salas

Dorado Beach Resort’s east golf course. Installation based on an enormous doll made out of crochets, filled with dirt and seeds that some time after became flowers.

Muñeca Viajera

Art in Golf 2012

The title of this piece reveals the real meaning of the project, Muneca Viajera (Travelling Doll). The doll is made with textiles from different parts of the world and follows traditional patterns and techniques. It was carried to Puerto Rico in a suitcase in order to portray the importance traveling has as a process of acculturation. The doll was installed in one of the golf courses most remarkable dune. Her spiral movement; very similar to the one traced by the golfball before entering the hole, if one may add; refer to the pictorial symbol of regeneration that appears in many cultures of antiquity.

Muñeca Viajera’s ephemeral evolution grasps the concept of, as mentioned before, regeneration: its fabrics decompose on the ground as flowers replace the strings’ colors. The process this doll goes through is most definitely a mimic of life through biophilia, meaning to have innate love for life and the natural world in it. “The project is mostly about the journey of the piece from Ecuador to Puerto Rico while reflecting about the cultural changes within its trip”.