Aisen Chacín

Aisen Chacín

Dorado Beach Resort’s east golf course. Large-scale drawings with lime over the grass, featuring turtles shells shaped abstracted to geometric shapes.

In The Rough: A Tour of Geometric Ecology

Art in Golf 2015

“Extinction is silent and has no voice other than our own.” 
– Paul Hawken, environmentalist

Venezuelan artist, Aisen Chacín, is known for the digital images that make up her conceptual multimedia art installations which create argumentative displays of worldwide issues through alluring yet innocent visions of compassion. Behind every project, there is a deep analytical and psychological research as Chacín works hand in hand with organizations and its subjects, conceptualizing the coarse realities of society’s most vulnerable groups. Having color similarities to the “old-school” chalkboards, In The Rough: A Tour of Geometric Ecology aims to create consciousness on the possible extinction of marine turtles. With white material on the green of Dorado Beach Resort’s golf course, Chacín drew the geometric patterns formed on the shells of marine turtles that nest on the shores of Puerto Rico. The juxtaposition of these three drawings portrayed a type of pilgrimage that vanished with time due to the artwork’s ephemeral aspect, representing the future extinction of this vital specie.

In an interview with Aisen Chacín, “Unambiguous About The Amphibious”, the artist and golfer explains in depth the connotative word play of golf terminology on the title:

“In golf, the term “rough” identifies a part of the course where the grass is much more abundant. It also identifies the hardships turtles are going through in this century. The term explains how our modern lifestyle has inflicted severe ecological changes that have affected them as marine specie. The idea of the “tour” is to walk through the holes in the course and find a variety of geometric patterns inspired by the designs and protuberances that turtles have on their shells.”